Differentiated kindergarten education in the context of social environment

The accredited teacher training course developed by the university teachers was successfully completed.

Szovata ovodapedkonf 2018In the framework of the Hungarian Carpathian Basin Nursery Development Program launched by the Hungarian Government, instructors and lecturers of the Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary School Education Program of the Partium Christian University developed a complete package of  training programs which were not available before,  aimed at sensitizing and preparing the kindergarten teachers for the differentiated kindergarten education.  The coordinator of the Training Package for Differentiated Preschool Education in the Context of Social Environment is dr. Brigitta Balogh, its authors include dr. Bartha Krisztina, dr. Andrea Bordás, Katalin Domján and dr. Sára Magyari.They created a theoretical framework for five modules outlining the possibilities of practical application.

54 trainers were involved in the implementation of further training throughout the country. They are experienced professionals who often meet during their daily pedagogical practice  with the constraint and opportunity of differentiation, while also possessing adequate theoretical knowledge. 1151 teachers participated in the training program in Transylvania.

The training was a great success for both the participants and the trainers. This is evidenced by the ratgins during the evaluation of the training and  also the conclusions of the closing conference. At the closing conference organized in Sovata, entitled  "Tales from Words" - Mother tongue education in kindergarten, dr. Andrea Bordás summarized the implementation of the training program.